Friday, 12 December 2008

Good night and Good Luck

Wow. Really, what else can I say? I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm going home in two days. This is the last time I will ever sit at this desk. The last 2 hours I will be in room B.2.07 in the National Assembly of Wales. The last time I will write a blog when I'm supposed to be doing something related to Alun Davies.

It has been an unbelievable journey. I could not be more thankful for my experiences here. Really - it's harder to leave here than it was to leave home.

My desk is clean. My hard drive is cleared off. I've printed things for my portfolio. I've left notes of explanation for tasks left unfinished. I've done all I can here. And now it's time to move on, back to my homeland, to build the rest of my life.

Looking back, I feel foolish to admit that I was so homesick. I feel foolish for crying on the phone to my mom because I wanted to come back to Ohio so badly. I feel silly for saying that I wanted to leave here. It's really starting to hit me now.

I've been having my pre-flight anxiety for the past day or so - worrying about the possibilities of troubles while travelling. I will say it again, SOMEONE needs to develop a teleporting mechanism. But, until that happens, I'm stuck travelling for 20 hours to get back to my wonderful home in Crestline, Ohio.

I feel like I should make a list of things I'm going to miss here. But I honestly cannot pick out specific things. I was asked what I'd miss the most last night, and my response when something like this:

I'm nervous to arrive back home. It's been three months since I've been on American soil and I'm scared to see how much it's changed since I've left. I've been living a fabulous life over here, not really worrying about much of anything, except for minor things involving job searching, paper writing and money spending. I'm afraid to go back to real life.

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for reading this blog. It has been a pleasure to share my life with you over the past few months and I'm so thankful for your readership. I would also like to thank all of the wonderful people that I've met here that have been such incredible friends and makeshift family members for the past few months. You have no idea how much I will miss you.

If you'd like to keep track of me and my thoughts, please visit my personal blog, which I will pick up again upon my return to the States. You can view it at I will be writing an online column for The Post during the winter, and you can view that at

I look forward to your further readership on both of these sites and wish you all luck in your endeavors. Thank you for being a part of mine.

As Mr. Edward R. Murrow signed off, I will do the same. Good night...and Good luck.

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