Wednesday 22 October 2008

Another update.

I can't believe it's time to do such a large update - I've been kind of lacking in the updating department as of late, due to quite a busy schedule and a less-than-normal drive to do any kind of writing.

Perhaps one reason for the lack of writing came from my lack of ability to fall asleep at night. My nights were interrupted by strange and sometimes disturbing dreams involving people I haven't had much contact with over the past 5 years. I'd wake up around 5 or 6 in the morning after falling asleep around 1 or 2 and spend the next 2 hours telling myself to go back to sleep, but subconsciously attempting to decode the dreams and nightmares I'd had. Then, after just managing to drift back off to sleep, I'd awake to my alarm at 8:00 warning me that I had exactly one hour to get myself together and get myself to the Assembly. As you can imagine, and for those of you who know me and my fondness of mornings, the mornings were absolutely tragic.

The work week wasn't too terrible - mostly just preparing for the Child Poverty event in Llanelli. Rhi and I spent much of Thursday dashing around Cardiff to find the right sized paper to accomplish what it was Alun wanted us to do. After about 3 hours, we finally managed to find everything and rushed back to the office to put everything together and get ready for the event the next day. The sun managed to hang out for most of the day on Friday and we managed to get 45 petitions signed to add to our 'Fight Against Child Poverty' database - overall a pretty successful event.

Saturday, Rhi, Chelsea and I headed to Bath for the day to do a little sightseeing. We ended up doing a lot of boutique shopping and went to the Jane Austen museum before heading back to Cardiff to spend the rest of the evening relaxing. I didn't do much of anything on Sunday, just cleaned, did laundry and relaxed from such a sleepless week.

This week, I've been doing some speech research for Alun and a few random tasks here and there. I leave for Germany on Saturday and am sooooo excited to se Kilee, Jeremiah and the kids. I'm also really pumped to get another stamp on my passport saying that I've been to another European country. Haha.

I also changed my flight last week to arrive back in the States on the 14th of December rather than the 18th. Upon our arrival here, we were told that we needed to be out of the apartments ASAP after our termination at the Assembly. Thusly, for the 4 days in between that, one of which being my birthday, I would have been forced to move my 4 or 5 suitcases around to different locations and decided that this wasn't something I wanted to do. So, GREAT NEWS, friends. I'll be back in 52 days!

It's strange to think that I've been here for so long already. I can't believe that November is just right around the corner and that my friends at OU are about to finish Week 7 of Fall quarter. I went through the calendar today and wrote everything out in my day planner. I can't believe we're approaching 2009 so quickly.

Hopefully by the next update, I'll have my camera connecter cord, so I'll be able to upload pictures from all of my different trips I've taken over the past 3 months. And hopefully I'll be able to update on the awesomeness of Germany! Hope everyone is well! XXOO

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